Thursday 17 August 2017

The Hearts of Dying Stars

There was a moon that night,
That shook my comfortable existence
On this little Earth
And as I looked at the stars
I almost lost my breath
When I remembered what great men had said
That I was made from the hearts of dying stars
All of me was not from here, but belonged out there
And as I closed my eyes
I realised that those twinkling lights
Were not just heavenly bodies
But like an ageing photograph
Were the ghosts of my family
Long since gone.

bobby stevenson 2017

Friday 14 August 2015

Gods and stars

We were ruled by Gods and stars,
You and I,
What chance did we have?
I heard a man born with one song in his heart,
Lighten the woes of a million other lonely souls,
And I saw a woman with one story, tell it again,
And again, and again,
And we were all the better for that.

We never stood a chance,
You and I,
But still we tried our very best,
And looking into each others' eyes,
We saw a kind of hope.

We were ruled by Gods and stars,
You and I,
And despite all of that,
We lived,
And we loved,
And we were here.

bobby stevenson 2015

Monday 5 January 2015

The Time That's Left

There was once upon a time, when I put myself on a shelf for the sake of peace and quiet. Every time someone took a step forward, I took a step back. Every time they said something dangerous, I kept quiet, because I felt theirs was more the just cause. Every time they criticised, I let their hate increase due to my silence. But having spent so long on the shelf and realising the mess you have made of it all, I am no longer going to keep quiet, or step back. I am going to head off down the road and spend what time I have left on me. 

bobby stevenson 2015

Sunday 29 September 2013

Don't Hate, Just Love

It’s a very short life, 
And an amazing one, 
Full of miracles and caring,
With a universe or two, or maybe more, thrown in,
All decked out with black holes and sunsets,
And yet you chose to spend it hating,
And loathing, and hitting and shouting,
And name calling and abusing. 
Whatever this is, it's a short life,
And in your hating, 
You've missed the greatest
Experience of your existence,
Don’t hate, just love.

bobby stevenson 2013

Sunday 1 September 2013

100 Years From Now

dinosaur footprint  Texas Uni.
100 years from now, nothing of this life will be remembered,
Not you, nor I, nor once that we were here,
We only stayed long enough to scratch the sand upon the beach before the
Tide took back its own.

100 years from now, no one will know my name, nor care
That here I stood and lived a life with all those
Other nameless souls,
Yet we knew each other by the joy and sorrow
Trapped inside our eyes
And each of us took that remembrance to our graves.

bobby stevenson 2013/14

Friday 30 August 2013

The Ghosts Of My Family

There was a moon that night,
That shook my comfortable existence
On this little Earth
And as I looked at the stars
I almost lost my breath
I remembered what the great men had said
That I was made from the heart of dying stars
All of me was not from here, but belonged out there
And as I closed my eyes
I realised that those twinkling lights
Were not just heavenly bodies
But like an ageing photograph
Were the ghosts of my family
Long since gone.

bobby stevenson 2013  

Saturday 17 August 2013

In A Heartbeat

In a heartbeat,
The car turned the corner too fast, and turned over,
The last thing the mother did was scold her
Son for chewing loudly
In a heartbeat
The lonely girl bumped into the guy who was leaving
For good and she wasn’t lonely any more
“It’s funny how we met,” she told her children.
In a heartbeat
He smiled at her and talked about their next trip
And then the darkness covered the side of his face
And he slipped away from her
In a heartbeat
He scratched the lotto card
One hundred thousand it said
And that was the amount of friends he gained
In a heartbeat
He screwed up the cigarette and promised himself
That was that
And it was
In a heartbeat
The sun warmed his face and he smiled
And the blackness let him be for a few kind minutes
In a heartbeat
As she sat alone at the bar, a friend joined her and another
And another and in a heartbeat, she knew she was the lucky one.

bobby stevenson 2013